Formative Assessment in #PhysEd


Have you ever stopped to think about why you use formative assessment in your physical education classes?

Perhaps you use formative assessment, assessment that occurs during the learning process, to provide your students feedback. Maybe you use it to improve or guide your teaching. Formative assessments can also be used to motivate students and increase student engagement.

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1 thought on “Formative Assessment in #PhysEd

  1. Thank God someone said it out loud. My boy is 15 and can’t get on even high school teams because he isn’t a super star he just wants to play. I hate the way it leaves him feeling.
    I decided a while back that I am ok with whatever they take in school. Just do what you love. I do and always have. Parents today are making up for their lack in their childhood where money was scarce and extra curricular was only for the few.
    Thank you for writing that I can stop feeling badly that I don’t mind if my kids are ordinary. Great news they haven’t missed their childhood and all the great things that go with it.

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